Our Products

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.”
― Stephen King


We focus on the paper required by book publishers.

Uncoated Freesheet

Uncoated Freesheet

Grades: tradebook papers, commodity offsets, opaque grades, lightweights,
text & cover grades

Applications: fiction and non-fiction tradebooks, professional publishing, cookbooks, educational materials, children’s books, young adult titles, coloring books, book jackets

Coated Freesheet

Coated Freesheet

Grades: matte, gloss, dull, satin and silk finishes

Applications: children’s picture books, cookbooks, art and photography books, el-high texts, college textbooks, book jackets, inserts

Uncoated Groundwood

Uncoated Groundwood

Grades: specialty groundwoods, high-bright grades, directory stock, super-calendered papers

Applications: workbooks, ancillary educational materials, coloring books, promotional pieces, magazines, directories

Coated Groundwood

Coated Groundwood

Grades: #4’s and #5’s gloss, matte and dull finishes

Applications: teacher guides, cookbooks, college texts, magazines, catalogs, flyers, promotional materials

C1S/C2s Board

C1S/C2s Board

Grades: from 8 pt. to 24 pt. calipers of SBS and multi-ply sheets

Applications: paperback book covers, board books, postcards, greeting cards, point of purchase displays

Specialty Papers

Specialty Papers

Grades: pressure sensitive papers, dry gum, label papers, synthetic/durable grades, tracing/translucent stocks

Applications: stickers, stamps, waterproof maps, children’s products, decals, assorted art products